Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Water damaged church audio equipment

Now that the water from the floods is subsiding, we hope that your church has come through without much damage.

Unfortunately, a very few churches have sustained damage from water getting into their sound systems.

Our tips are as follows:

  • If there is any risk that your audio or video equipment is still wet, DO NOT switch it on

  • Microphones really don't like water - if they have been wet then please consider replacing

  • Mixers also don't cope well with water because of all the moving parts

  • Speakers are the final link in the chain, and if these get wet please consider replacing unless they are designed to cope with moisture (like our JBL Control range)

Finally - if you require a replacement quote for insurance, we are able to produce audio and video insurance quotes for churches, including replacement and repair of sound system, PA, amplifiers, CDs, microphones, cables and induction loops.

ChurchPA is comitted to getting your church back up and running as quickly as possible.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Congregational Pickup - is it worth it?

We are looking into the possibility of extending microphone pick-up during congregation participation and require advice on how to install microphones that will pick up comment from the floor. Are you able to give us any advice?

Your requirement is one of the hardest things to do succesfully with a sound system, I'll try to explain why...

"Ambient" pickup in churches seems to be desirable because when the congregation is participating, you want to ensure that everyone can hear clearly.

However the problem comes because invariably the PA system is designed to amplify sound into the main body of the church - exactly where you want your ambient pickup to occur.

Normally your PA does not have feedback problems (if it does, SPEAK TO US - We are experts at helping you reduce church feedback problems). There is no feedback because microphones are used very close to the user. Therefore the pickup from around is minimised and it is simple to add a lot of amplification (gain) to the signal for the speakers.

However, if you try to pick up in a church from distance, however good the microphone is and whatever the type of microphone is, you will inevitably be picking up more of the ambience and hence by definition will pick up sound created by the sound system itself - a recipy for feedback problems (howling).

If the pickup is PURELY for the recording, then of course there is no problem and ambient pickup is simple BECAUSE you are not trying to put it through the sound system and amplify it. ChurchPA can easily advise you on pickup for recording in churches.

BUT- if you are trying to amplify your congregation, you need to decide to what lengths you wish to go to to achieve it. Our advice is to think twice...

Firstly and most simply you can provide an inexpensive handheld radio microphone that is held by those in the congregation when they speak. This way there is no feedback problem etc.

The other simple and easy solution is to ask people to stand at the lectern if they wish to speak. Simple, and most churches already have the technology for this one!

Next, it is possible to arrange for a "zone" in the church where those that wish to speak should stand - and with a suitable microphone and feedback destroyer (and careful microphone positioning) you can safely pickup from a mid sized area.

HOWEVER it really is NOT possible to pickup an entire congregation and amplify it back to that congregation. Feedback WILL happen.

Depending on your applications, it MAY be possible to come up with a suitable solution and we would definitely reccomend that you contact us to discuss your particular church. However, firstly we would recommend considering adding a handheld radio mic for those moments when the congregation needs to be heard!

Hope this helps, and don't forget that using our LiveHelp service, you can chat to ChurchPA in real time - you might even catch me answering!!
