Sunday, July 17, 2005


Hi All,

We at ChurchPA have just released our report "23 Ways to Improve the Sound in Your Church WITHOUT SPENDING ANY MONEY" - available exclusively from our webpage. Go to and fill in the short form to get your hands on a copy!

We look forward to being able to help you in your church!


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Sunday, July 03, 2005

ChurchPA's "Charity of the Year"

The charity that ChurchPA will be supporting this year is ROPE - Relief for Opressed People Everywhere. This is a voluntary Christian charity, supporting the poor around the world.

Already we have supported a project teaching widows in the Gwembe district of Zambia the skills of “tie and dye”. This technique did not exist in this region until these women undertook the training. 90 women from around the region took part and will now be able to add to their income to help support their villages.

ChurchPA is proud to support this worthwhile charity.