Is my induction loop working

A recent question:
There have been numerous reports regarding our loop not working. The question I have is, “how do we know it is working”? Obviously finding a hearing aid user and using them as a guinea pig is one method but is there a more scientific approach to be taken?? Are there any cost effective loop receivers available so we can check on a regular basis the loop?
The simple answer to your question is that you need a loop listener, which will enable you to listen in to the sound on the induction loop. We have two versions available, and the least expensive is available to purchase in the link below...
We have recently added a lower cost induction loop listener (receiver) to our range, and it is available from this link -> Loop Receiver - *Click Here*
We also have loop level meters, but find that these are less useful in the day-to-day running of a church.
As an added benefit of having a loop listener, you can hand the listener to those with poor hearing but with no hearing aid. Assuming that your loop IS working, you will be amazed at the clarity of sound that comes from an induction loop, and will want to use the loop listener all the time!